Cystic fibrosis support for members

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition that causes issues with breathing, digestion and other bodily functions. It’s often identified early in life. So treatment usually starts early, too.

When living with CF, everyday activities may be challenging. But our nurses are here to support you and your care team in treating your or your child’s cystic fibrosis. With a comprehensive care plan, it’s possible to live more comfortably and more actively with CF.

Cystic fibrosis basics

Mucus is a normal substance inside your body that helps protect it and enable it to function smoothly. But people with cystic fibrosis have mucus that’s too thick and sticky. This can lead to problems with the respiratory system, digestive system and other parts of the body. It can also lead to issues with organ function and an increase in the likelihood of other health conditions.

CF is an inherited condition. That means only a person whose biological parents have passed the gene to them can have it. Babies in the U.S. are tested for CF soon after birth. However, symptoms of CF may also appear later in life.

Get customized resources, guidance and support from a nurse experienced with cystic fibrosis – confidentially and at no extra cost. We’ll work with you and your care team to create a plan that helps you or your child do more of what they love.